Back in 2011
On almost ever social network that I belong to online, I've seen quite a lot of posts about "my Top 12 photos for 2011" or "The best memories of 2011" or "Hits and Misses of 2011" and so on. I've decided I want to do a little something like that in this post... a trip down memory lane of sorts to look back on the year that was and look back on all the things- be it good or bad, that I'm truly grateful for.
Before we step into the new year, it's nice to just look back once in a while and see how far you've come. And if you've been with me all this time, you'd know that 2011 was quite a year for me. I wish I could go through this by month, and show you a truckload of photos on some of the best memories I've held on to this past year. But that would make this too long a post and unfortunately, I don't really have a photo of every single memory. So to the best of my abilities, I guess I could just tell you all the things, events, and people I'm most grateful for this 2011:
On almost ever social network that I belong to online, I've seen quite a lot of posts about "my Top 12 photos for 2011" or "The best memories of 2011" or "Hits and Misses of 2011" and so on. I've decided I want to do a little something like that in this post... a trip down memory lane of sorts to look back on the year that was and look back on all the things- be it good or bad, that I'm truly grateful for.
Before we step into the new year, it's nice to just look back once in a while and see how far you've come. And if you've been with me all this time, you'd know that 2011 was quite a year for me. I wish I could go through this by month, and show you a truckload of photos on some of the best memories I've held on to this past year. But that would make this too long a post and unfortunately, I don't really have a photo of every single memory. So to the best of my abilities, I guess I could just tell you all the things, events, and people I'm most grateful for this 2011:
1. Family Bible Study
This just had to be first on my list. We started having weekly family bible studies around 2010, but I could say it became more frequent, and our family took it more seriously in 2011. I'm most thankful for this habit of coming together to enter in my life because our weekly meetings has caused us to draw closer to God, and in effect, our family grew closer together -- and I'm not just saying our relatives, in general. From what I've been seeing and hearing and reading from my own cousins, their own families seemed to really have connected this year, and I can say the same for my own.
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about to start the devo at Kuya Es' house! |
Our FBS every Thursday was only an avenue for us to get to know each other more in a manner that pleased God and glorified Him. Because of FBS, we have become sensitive to each others needs and hurts and even wants. I've grown to be more prayerful and to seek God more through our weekly devotionals, often led by my dad (but everyone gets to lead as well, even the children -- there was a time Jenny and I led a few sessions on ur own). This especially helped because I kinda laid low for a while in Jzone (both in Alabang and Ateneo) so I couldn't always attend a service or TBU. I'd look forward to the feeding I would receive from God's Word through our FBS. :)
We took a break from our weekly gathering towards the end of the month, in light of the Holiday season. But we didn't fail to welcome Jesus to His own party during Christmas as we celebrated the Lord's Supper after a short devotion, as well as look back and thank God for the highs and lows of the year during New Year's eve. To be honest, our devotion last Saturday was kind of what inspired me to make this post. :)
2. Not leaving for the States
I think if you know me well enough, you'd know that this was my huge game changer this year. In 2010, I prepared my heart on leaving everything to go to the land where God wanted my family to be. I was ready to leave my school, Ateneo. All my friends. My beloved dgroups, both upline and downline.
I fixed the last semester of my third year so I could take all my majors in one go. Come summer, I prepared myself to attend my last Summer Camp [All In]. And got myself a job at Groupon so I could earn a few bucks just before we left.
Knowing that my stay was short taught me to value my relationships with people. For the time being, the folks at the Editorial Department became like family to me.
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that was fun :) |
My job allowed to visit places and try things that I never thought of visiting or doing simply because I didn't know they were there. Working for Groupon opened my eyes to a bigger world.
I'm also grateful for all the lovely people from the other departments for being so warm and accomodating. I miss the office. A few weeks back, I visited so I could get some papers signed for my practicum files, everyone was still there and welcomed me. Even the new boss, Pat (though I do miss Lori) was nice and asked if I was considering coming back. :))
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my Groupon Phils. Family :) |
And then I had a talk with my aunt, and the rest is history.
All of a sudden, we weren't leaving anymore. I had to rush back to Ateneo to enter as a late enrollee, leaving me without a thesis group or adviser. The first semester felt like purgatory on earth. (HAHA silly, Earth IS purgatory) I feared it was never going to end, but I praise God because that fear drove me to my knees. It wasn't my most excellent semester, i'll have to admit: with a 1.9 QPI and my thesis still marked as INC. Not leaving for the States really shook me to the core of my being.
But God showed me that His Mercy and Grace never ever fails. Mum always says that blessings are anything that draw us closer to God. And while this incident could be considered as one of the lowest points of my life for 2011, it has truly been a blessing.
3. Going back to School
I guess a lot of what I said earlier explains why this is on the list. But I have yet to mention the other great parts about going back to school:
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Being reunited with all my friends and making new ones: my thesismates CADs, my block A2 and especially Jzone Ateneo -- all of which I am very grateful for.
By Feb of last year, I thought I had danced my last dance on the Henry Lee Irwin Theatre Stage with my CADs Prod family, but I praise Jesus for the second chance to be with them again this year. My last semester prevented me from spending a lot of time with my org, but somehow, I'm glad that my truest of friends from that group stuck by me. :) I'm excited to see all these new developments in the org made by the current EB and they're all wonderful. My only regret would be that I don't think I would have enough time to get to know all the new members of our growing family, as I'll be making my quiet exit soon.
A2 is A2. I don't know how else to explain this bunch. I never felt like I actually fit in, like how the rest of my blockmates just seemed to click during the first day of freshman year. But I'm thankful that they never stay out of touch even with the likes of me, who don't get to attend all the parties or get togethers. :)
My dearest thesis mates, Nige and Clara. I'm so glad to have found friends in these two. I've known them merely as acquaintances over the years but in 2011, a bond was formed among us as we waged an epic battle against the dark forces of Thesis. :)) We found common interests such as the performing and visual arts, kpop and pokemon and we withstood the toughest of times together. I thank them so much for finding it in their hearts to take me in, even on such a short notice during the first part of the sem, and I'm glad to have faced this journey of my life with them. Quite a year we've had, eh guys? :))
My dearest thesis mates, Nige and Clara. I'm so glad to have found friends in these two. I've known them merely as acquaintances over the years but in 2011, a bond was formed among us as we waged an epic battle against the dark forces of Thesis. :)) We found common interests such as the performing and visual arts, kpop and pokemon and we withstood the toughest of times together. I thank them so much for finding it in their hearts to take me in, even on such a short notice during the first part of the sem, and I'm glad to have faced this journey of my life with them. Quite a year we've had, eh guys? :))
and Jzone Ateneo. I'm thankful for you guys most of all. For your company and patience and love. You may not know it, but during the times I felt most down about academics, or for whatever reason. One of you would always brighten up my day by at least talking to me or keeping me company on that lone table by the right side of Matteo. I appreciate how we'd pray together and laugh together and especially eat together. Times with you are always fun and God-filled. :)
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i love all the monkies in this photo :) |
4. Gigs
Joining the Meg Face Search back in 2010 opened up a lot of doors for me. I became friends with some amazing talented people and got offered a lot of opportunities to earn and expose myself to the entertainment industry. If not for MFS, I never would have guested on Mellow when the winner and now my good friend, Phoebe went to Macau, and I never would have met DJ Vince. If I never met Vince I wouldn't find out about the SOJ opening and I wouldn't have auditioned and eventually become a part of the School of Jocks.
If I didn't join School of Jocks, I never would have met some of the most amazing and talented people that I know. I never would have met Chloe, or Raisa, Justine or Frankie, Isa or Demi or Stan. Maybe Chong and I might not even have gotten close this year.
Phoebe might have never considered me to host for her events for Snoopy or Garfield, and I would still probably be struggling to land my first big hosting gig.
This year, I organized my first ever event and it was a debut of this girl named Bea Banayos. She's an amazing girl with a big heart. I'm also thankful for my team: Nicollo, Chuchay and my brother Jared who stuck by me that entire month of planning, meeting and organizing. Big thanks to tita Lanie, Bea's mom and especially Tito Bon for the opportunity to be a part of something as wonderful.
God also blessed me with projects left and right, particularly during my birthday week! :D So praise Him for that as well!
5. People
Next to Jesus, There are so many people I want to thank for making my year as epic as it was. Too many, in fact. Which is why I'm afraid that I might not get to mention you all. In case I don't, please don't hold it against me and think that I've forgotten you. It's just that this blog post limits me from thanking every single person I can possibly thank, but if I had enough space and enough time, I'd do it.
Anyway, here we go :)
my Best friends Patty and Bekah
How long has it been since we've seen each other? If I'm not mistaken, this is our 2nd year of not spending the holidays together in the same country. Nonetheless, I'm grateful that you girls chose to stand by me inspite of the distance. I'm very thankful for our friendship :)
Bethany Geronimo
I really felt bad how we didn't get to bond so much throughout our college life, and it could be mostly my fault. But I'm really thankful for you because in spite of the lack in communication (to think we study in the same school and belong to the same course, and we still don't get to see each other. :|) I know you're a friend I can count on to always be there and just listen to me or laugh with me. I appreciate all the small gestures and words of encouragement you'd give me during those short moments we'd see each other. We're 3 months away from academic freedom, and I'm happy to have walked this journey with you.
Mom and Dad
What else can I say? Thank you for always being there for me. For correcting me when I need correction and for encouraging and comforting me. You are my biggest fans and my greatest critics. I love you guys.
It's inspiring to see how my parents' love for the Lord just overflows with how they love each other and our family. I praise God for them, and I'm thankful for them not only in this year alone, but for every year that I've lived on this earth and lived under their roof. :)
Jared, my brother
I think this was the year my brother and I got really close. I'm happy to say that I've found a friend in him and though sibling rivalry might always be there, I know that i'd always have a "kakampi" in my brother.
My Cousins
My cousins and I have a bond that most families would envy. Maybe it's because they've never experienced growing up on a street where everyone's practically next to each other. I'm so thankful that I never had the burden to share the gospel to these guys, simply because they knew Jesus like I did. And as we grew, we also grew in Him. And you know what they say, a family that prays together, stays together. And my family, especially my cousins and I, are living proof of that :)
I praise God for all the experiences we've gone through this year. The world is tough on kids our age. They expect us to understand and meet particular standards. I'm glad I don't have to face the struggle alone. I'm glad I have partners in faith who know what I'm going through and are willing to do hard things WITH ME. Should all my friends leave and forsake me, I know I have found truest of true friends in my cousins. :)
Bryan Lao
I've never had a friend quite like Bryan. He's an amazing fellow. He's extremely guwapo inside and out. Bryan is one of those guy friends that I walk around school with and talk about life and our struggles and not be ashamed of how God has been speaking to us: whether its with a gentle and comforting voice or with a loud thundering boom. He's the kind who would call me up at 2am and rant why he can't sleep. And i'd comfort him and he won't be okay the next day, but he'd come up to me to say how much he appreciated our talk, even if he did all the talking.
I can also say I got close to Bryan this year. It's been an honor being his friend and companion during those lazy afternoons in school. He's the kind of guy I can hug like a teddy bear and tell him I love him without feeling mushy or have romantic feelings of any sort. One, because I really don't feel that way and two, He's going to die if that ever happened. For reasons probably only he and I will understand. Like how we understand what an orange is. Bryan is like that.
My girls
I love my little mini-me's and I'm in awe of how God just works in and through them each and everyday. :) I'm particularly grateful for Jemimah, Yana and Jorine because I see Jesus working in them the most. I lost touch with a lot of people this year, but these girls never left my mind. It's an honor to serve them as their dgroup leader. If you ask me, I think I learn more from them than they do from me at times. To serve young girls like these, with hearts thirsty for Jesus, it's a humbling experience which I wouldn't trade for anything else in the world.
Jille Cristobal
Of course my darling anak just had to be in here. She may not know it, but I look forward to our siomai-milktea dates and window shopping in town or in festival after we get dropped off from carpool. I'm also grateful to her mum and dad, tita Jo and tito Roy for being so kind as to let me hitch with them every afternoon (or evening) on the way home (back when they still lived in Laguna). My 2011 was more fun because of this girl! We literally went through everything together and there's this tiny sting in my heart knowing that she'll be one of the persons I'll be leaving behind when I graduate. :')
Luis Cortez
Brad and I just recently reconnected after the One Retreat last October, but we go waaaay back! Circa 2001-2002, when my family and I just moved to the south and we started going to CCF Sucat. I think Luis is one of those friends that really leaves a mark in yer life. He's passionately devoted to the Lord and determined to serve Him with his amazing gift of music, and you can see through the twinkle in his eye that he just loves what he's doing and he truly belongs there. Luis was one of the people who gave me the courage to audition for the music ministry this year, he has that kind of influence on you. During sembreak, I had the opportunity to perform in my first ever (and probably my only) gig with this guy! That was a fun day I'll probably never forget :))
Zeus Martinez + Safelight
Aside from having an artistic eye, Zeus has the ability to see the good in others and let it shine through. Which is why I believe he makes the perfect leader for the photography ministry of Jzone, Safelight. Much like how his photos bring out the best features of a thing, place or person. Zeus is able to spot someone's gift, and he isn't afraid to encourage that person to uplift that talent. His photos have a story, and he's eager to find out every little detail about it. This guy has a beautiful beautiful heart that has been broken for Jesus, and he uses that to glorify Him. I've had so many good memories with him, together with his team, all captured through the eyes of their lenses. I love this guy and I hope he knows how significant he is, not just in my eyes or others but through the eyes of our Father as well.
His team, Safelight are also all as equally talented as their leader is. It's been an honor being considered the ministry's "official model" but it's even more exciting to watch these guys grow in the Lord and in their skill as well. Originally, this post was just supposed to be my 12 best photos of 2011 from the front of the lens. And I noticed that almost everything was from them. But I wanted to make a post that was a tad bit more intimate.
Some of the best photos I have were taken by Safelight photographers. When I have events, they're always on my mind and I wouldn't think twice about hiring them if I had the chance. :)
Angelo Cruz
I thank God for our friendship. It's one of a kind and words can't begin to describe it. Thank you for being my constant companion, comforter and my biggest supporter. I appreciate every kind word and thoughtful gesture you've done for me. ESPECIALLY YOUR SURPRISES. You really are just full of surprises, aren't you?
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getting my makeup re-touched for the Meg March issue shoot |
If I didn't join School of Jocks, I never would have met some of the most amazing and talented people that I know. I never would have met Chloe, or Raisa, Justine or Frankie, Isa or Demi or Stan. Maybe Chong and I might not even have gotten close this year.
Phoebe might have never considered me to host for her events for Snoopy or Garfield, and I would still probably be struggling to land my first big hosting gig.
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I met Jillian Ward this year! |
This year, I organized my first ever event and it was a debut of this girl named Bea Banayos. She's an amazing girl with a big heart. I'm also thankful for my team: Nicollo, Chuchay and my brother Jared who stuck by me that entire month of planning, meeting and organizing. Big thanks to tita Lanie, Bea's mom and especially Tito Bon for the opportunity to be a part of something as wonderful.
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me with my friend Nic and the lovely Debutante :) |
5. People
Next to Jesus, There are so many people I want to thank for making my year as epic as it was. Too many, in fact. Which is why I'm afraid that I might not get to mention you all. In case I don't, please don't hold it against me and think that I've forgotten you. It's just that this blog post limits me from thanking every single person I can possibly thank, but if I had enough space and enough time, I'd do it.
Anyway, here we go :)
my Best friends Patty and Bekah
How long has it been since we've seen each other? If I'm not mistaken, this is our 2nd year of not spending the holidays together in the same country. Nonetheless, I'm grateful that you girls chose to stand by me inspite of the distance. I'm very thankful for our friendship :)
Bethany Geronimo
I really felt bad how we didn't get to bond so much throughout our college life, and it could be mostly my fault. But I'm really thankful for you because in spite of the lack in communication (to think we study in the same school and belong to the same course, and we still don't get to see each other. :|) I know you're a friend I can count on to always be there and just listen to me or laugh with me. I appreciate all the small gestures and words of encouragement you'd give me during those short moments we'd see each other. We're 3 months away from academic freedom, and I'm happy to have walked this journey with you.
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4 years ago, we graduated highschool. Now we're 3 months away from graduating from college :) |
Mom and Dad
What else can I say? Thank you for always being there for me. For correcting me when I need correction and for encouraging and comforting me. You are my biggest fans and my greatest critics. I love you guys.
It's inspiring to see how my parents' love for the Lord just overflows with how they love each other and our family. I praise God for them, and I'm thankful for them not only in this year alone, but for every year that I've lived on this earth and lived under their roof. :)
Jared, my brother
I think this was the year my brother and I got really close. I'm happy to say that I've found a friend in him and though sibling rivalry might always be there, I know that i'd always have a "kakampi" in my brother.
My Cousins
My cousins and I have a bond that most families would envy. Maybe it's because they've never experienced growing up on a street where everyone's practically next to each other. I'm so thankful that I never had the burden to share the gospel to these guys, simply because they knew Jesus like I did. And as we grew, we also grew in Him. And you know what they say, a family that prays together, stays together. And my family, especially my cousins and I, are living proof of that :)
I praise God for all the experiences we've gone through this year. The world is tough on kids our age. They expect us to understand and meet particular standards. I'm glad I don't have to face the struggle alone. I'm glad I have partners in faith who know what I'm going through and are willing to do hard things WITH ME. Should all my friends leave and forsake me, I know I have found truest of true friends in my cousins. :)
Bryan Lao
I've never had a friend quite like Bryan. He's an amazing fellow. He's extremely guwapo inside and out. Bryan is one of those guy friends that I walk around school with and talk about life and our struggles and not be ashamed of how God has been speaking to us: whether its with a gentle and comforting voice or with a loud thundering boom. He's the kind who would call me up at 2am and rant why he can't sleep. And i'd comfort him and he won't be okay the next day, but he'd come up to me to say how much he appreciated our talk, even if he did all the talking.
I can also say I got close to Bryan this year. It's been an honor being his friend and companion during those lazy afternoons in school. He's the kind of guy I can hug like a teddy bear and tell him I love him without feeling mushy or have romantic feelings of any sort. One, because I really don't feel that way and two, He's going to die if that ever happened. For reasons probably only he and I will understand. Like how we understand what an orange is. Bryan is like that.
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This is why I love Bryan |
I love my little mini-me's and I'm in awe of how God just works in and through them each and everyday. :) I'm particularly grateful for Jemimah, Yana and Jorine because I see Jesus working in them the most. I lost touch with a lot of people this year, but these girls never left my mind. It's an honor to serve them as their dgroup leader. If you ask me, I think I learn more from them than they do from me at times. To serve young girls like these, with hearts thirsty for Jesus, it's a humbling experience which I wouldn't trade for anything else in the world.
Jille Cristobal
Of course my darling anak just had to be in here. She may not know it, but I look forward to our siomai-milktea dates and window shopping in town or in festival after we get dropped off from carpool. I'm also grateful to her mum and dad, tita Jo and tito Roy for being so kind as to let me hitch with them every afternoon (or evening) on the way home (back when they still lived in Laguna). My 2011 was more fun because of this girl! We literally went through everything together and there's this tiny sting in my heart knowing that she'll be one of the persons I'll be leaving behind when I graduate. :')
Luis Cortez
Brad and I just recently reconnected after the One Retreat last October, but we go waaaay back! Circa 2001-2002, when my family and I just moved to the south and we started going to CCF Sucat. I think Luis is one of those friends that really leaves a mark in yer life. He's passionately devoted to the Lord and determined to serve Him with his amazing gift of music, and you can see through the twinkle in his eye that he just loves what he's doing and he truly belongs there. Luis was one of the people who gave me the courage to audition for the music ministry this year, he has that kind of influence on you. During sembreak, I had the opportunity to perform in my first ever (and probably my only) gig with this guy! That was a fun day I'll probably never forget :))
Zeus Martinez + Safelight
Aside from having an artistic eye, Zeus has the ability to see the good in others and let it shine through. Which is why I believe he makes the perfect leader for the photography ministry of Jzone, Safelight. Much like how his photos bring out the best features of a thing, place or person. Zeus is able to spot someone's gift, and he isn't afraid to encourage that person to uplift that talent. His photos have a story, and he's eager to find out every little detail about it. This guy has a beautiful beautiful heart that has been broken for Jesus, and he uses that to glorify Him. I've had so many good memories with him, together with his team, all captured through the eyes of their lenses. I love this guy and I hope he knows how significant he is, not just in my eyes or others but through the eyes of our Father as well.
His team, Safelight are also all as equally talented as their leader is. It's been an honor being considered the ministry's "official model" but it's even more exciting to watch these guys grow in the Lord and in their skill as well. Originally, this post was just supposed to be my 12 best photos of 2011 from the front of the lens. And I noticed that almost everything was from them. But I wanted to make a post that was a tad bit more intimate.
Angelo Cruz
I thank God for our friendship. It's one of a kind and words can't begin to describe it. Thank you for being my constant companion, comforter and my biggest supporter. I appreciate every kind word and thoughtful gesture you've done for me. ESPECIALLY YOUR SURPRISES. You really are just full of surprises, aren't you?
Angelo is the cooliest. WHAT KIND OF GUY FRIEND GETS A GIRL MAKEUP FROM HIS TRIP FROM THE STATES? RIGHT? And in all the right shades too. Sometimes I wonder if Jo is secretly effeminate or he just really knows me that well *insert NOT SURE meme here* :)) [I'M KIDDING ABOUT THAT FIRST PART OF THE JOKE]
Whatever the case, I just know one thing's for sure. This guy is a keeper. :) A true-blue friend for all seasons.
You guys definitely deserve a spot in here. I've been so blessed by the way God has been using you to bless others. SO BLESSED THAT I HAD TO JOIN YOU! :)) Thank you for accepting me and taking me in. I'm looking uber forward to spending a great year with my new family :)
PHEW! I told you guys this post was going to be long. Did you find your name in there? In case you didn't, again, please don't feel bad. These are just the events and people off the top of my head. Of course I know this list goes way beyond than what I've written here. But if you happen to stumble upon this, I just want to thank YOU for being a part of my 2011 as well. This blog has been a big part of my year, and I'd like to thank every single reader, if I could, for sticking around with me through this journey. :)
I'm so excited for 2012! Aren't you? I don't think The world is going to end just yet, so make the most of life and commit to change for the better! One of my goals for this year is to live a life of no compromise. It's time to step up and be excellent! Most of all, don't miss out on Jesus this year. If you did last time, I want you to know that it's never too late. :)
God loves you and so do I! What are you most thankful for this past year and what do you commit to change for 2012? I'd love to know! Thank you for taking the time to read this :)
Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteThanks for including me here, cousin. :>
May 2012 be even more adventurous, fun, and abundantly prosperous for you! :)
I'm glad that somehow I get to be a witness of how God moved in your life all throughout 2011. At least online. :)
ReplyDeleteYou're life truly is a blessing and an inspiration as well. Sometimes it might seem as if I sugarcoat every compliment I gave you or when I say how I'm in awe of the things happening to you, but I really mean it.
I thank God for using your life as a blessing to mine. You have no idea how much you've affected mine in so many ways. God bless you and your family more and more and more. May your 2012 be more awesome and blessed! :)