'Cause We Like to Party

As I type this, I am sitting down by the lobby of the Bellevue Hotel in Alabang, waiting for my interviewee (the last one, hopefully) for my final thesis film. Im only a few more edits away from finally getting this thing over with, and as much as I'd love to fast forward, hindi ito pancit, like what my dad always says.

Been quite a day for me. Started the morning off by boarding again on Mellow 94.7 with DJ Vince and SoJ Crielle, to fill in for Tracy because she was out. Had a feeling I was gonna get paired with Crielle, since we're the only 2 people among the list of girls Chloe asked, who didn't have school (It's Faculty Day today in Ateneo). It was buckets of fun! I was reminded how much I love radio and why I wanted to join Mellow in the first place. Which is why i'm making it a point to train more often, so I could board more often too! I think it's cool that my schedule this sem finally gives me the liberty to do so. :)

Afterwards, I went back to Alabang to renew my license. It was a tedious process, as we all know. But I really learned the value of patience and being kind to your neighbors, especially the ones serving you. As a result, my papers got processed a tad bit faster than most of the people. Everyone in the area seemed to be complaining a lot, but Jesus reminded me that my impatience is only up to me. There are areas in our lives that are beyond our control, and what good would it do us if we worry or fuss about all of these? Instead of trying to manipulate your area of concern, learn to lay it at the Foot of the Cross. <3

And now we're back to where I started. Right here, sitting in the lobby of the Bellevue, still waiting for my interviewee. After this I was supposed to have dgroup with my girls, but unfortunately, no one was available to meet. So instead, Luis and I planned to practice tonight for our GIG TOMORROW! :D

Yes, you read that right. My friend, Luis Cortez and I snagged our first ever gig. It's not mega-bongga. We're only actually a filler-slash-special number, so we'll just be performing 3 songs. But EXPOSURE IS EXPOSURE RIGHT? :D hihihi

If yer interested in supporting Luis and I, do feel free to drop by tomorrow, at the Manila Ocean Park. Garfield is holding a fun run for anyone who wants to join. Walk-ins are highly encouraged to join as well! Tell you what, if you do intend on supporting us, we'll give you 2 FREE race kits for you and a friend! There's a 500m, 1.5k, 3k and 5k run, so it's up to you which one you wanna join!

But do be quick about it, because I really only have 2 racekits. So this is a first-come, first-served kind of thing. You snooze, you lose. :))

I'd like to personally thank my friend Phoebe, for all the amazing opportunities she's presenting me. I was actually supposed to host this event, I would have loved to. If not for a few complications. But I'm glad I still get to be a part of their event in one way or another. So support me while I support Phoebe so in the long run, you can kinda support Phoebe too! HAHA


On another note: another thing I'm super-duper excited about is the Blogapalooza, happening on Dec 4. My friend Raisa, a fellow SoJ who also writes for WhenInManila.com gave me an invite and allowed me to bring a +1, so I decided to tag along my cousin Jenny, who's blog I am absolutely a fan of.

But this isn't just for only a few bloggers. It's for EVERY KIND OF BLOGGER. So if yer interested in joining this "bloggers conference", feel free to drop by! Just make sure to comment below or send me an email, so we could include you on the guestlist. :)

If you need more information on the event, check out the actual post on the WhenInManila web page: http://www.wheninmanila.com/join-blogapalooza-2-the-christmas-online-gift-guide/

I hope to see you there!
<3 Deb

(PS: My current LSS is Beyonce's "Party", and thus the title of this post. :)) The beat is so funky fresh! Listen listen listen! :D)
