The Obvious Choice

"Whenever our right becomes the guiding factor of our lives, it dulls our Spritual insight. Sin isn't the enemy.The good is always the enemy of the best." - Oswald Chambers

Oftentimes, when I pray or ask something from God, I already have a "preferred answer" in mind, thinking I highly deserve it. And when things don't go my way, I'm often led to thinking my prayer went unanswered. But the funny thing we fail to remember about God  is that He always answers prayers, in ways that go beyond our comprehension. I may not always like them, but He knows whats best. So during the days that I'm really hard-headed, Jesus lets me have it my way and answers my prayers the way I want them, until I realize in the end that the "good" I wanted apparently wasn't good enough.

Lately I'm learning that every decision I make is a decision that God made first. And it's all about getting my priorities and desires in tune with His will. It's not a hit-or-miss type of thing. It's something you master, and the only way to get it right is by constantly learning how He works through His word. I'm never gonna get clear-cut answers the way Moses, David, Jim Elliot or Peter Tan Chi did unless I walk so closely with God that I won't need to double check to make sure if I got it right. I won't need to complain when one of my plans gets thrown into the bin, or my rights get violated. Even when He brings me to a point of testing wherein my rights would be the best and obvious choice, I would learn to live a life of faith and allow Him to make the decisions for me. Because I'm tired of constantly getting frustrated when my plans don't work out the way I want to. If you know me well enough, you'd remember that I'm a spontaneous type of person who hates long lines or taking numbers. Maybe it's just me, but judging from the kind of world that we live in, I'd doubt if you won't get what I'm talking about. But when you abide in Him, there's this kind of peace that comes upon you, even when you don't understand whats going on or don't like what you see. It's been tried and tested. Ask Abraham, who lived in a barren land, persecuted by foreigners and almost sacrificed his son. Ask Paul, who was beaten, exiled, persecuted and even shunned by fellow believers. In the end, the results will always turn out to be the best, no matter how painfully slow the journey, or how many wrong turns you take or stumbles you make (hey that rhymed haha). Jesus always delivers. It's all just a matter of choosing Him over your own rights or desires.

It's an unexplainable paradox, but that's the beauty of it. He has given salvation to bring me to my knees in desperation be it in unmerited favor or the choices I make . When it comes to God, I have no rights only because I've completely surrendered them in exchange for something better: freedom in Christ. 
