
Can you believe it? 20 years of existence here on this earth. I honestly almost forgot about my birthday, but I was lovingly (and surprisingly reminded) when I was checking  my planner just a few moments back.

I apologize for not being able to update so often. As you know, I *kinda* don't have a semestral break since I'm in the process of re-doing my thesis as well as trying to save my grade in theo by doing makeup work. On top of that, and on a good note, I've been accepted for projects and been doing VTRs left and right. God is immensely blessing me these days with all the small victories and challenges I face everyday. I'm learning to rely on Him and work pro-actively with Him in allowing His will to play out in my life.


There are so many things to be grateful for these past 20 years. My family, both immediate and my relatives who have always stuck by me no matter what - even when I fall down or more often than not, show them my "bad side", they're still around, ever so supportive and loving. I thank Jesus for them. 

My friends also, who have come and gone and I've reconnected with or probably lost touch with along the way. I'm thankful for these people who have greatly influenced me and molded me, allowing themselves to be used by the Master Potter, as His tools to shape me into the person I am today. <3

Thank you to you too, dear reader. For sticking by me and taking the time to read every single post on this blog of mine, that hasn't even lasted a year just yet. I'm trying to let it live, unlike so many of my previous blogs that just faded into the background. (Got a back story on that on this post) :))


I could go on and on and on telling you of the millions and bajillions of things I'm thankful for, but I think it'd be better if I just sing it in a song. Wait for it, a new cover is on the way. :)

<3 Deb

PS: I'd like to thank EVERYONE for all the support you've shown me and my friend Luis in my previous video. As much as this next cover is more like a "birthday special" on being thankful for my 20 years of life on this earth, this is also serves as my way of saying thank-you for the overwhelming support (We're already at our 700th view count! AMAZABALLS!) love you guys! :D

--- any clues on what my next cover might be? ;)


  1. Thankful ;)

    I can't believe we're all 20 soon! Almost! Til I ruin it, yes, I know. Hahaha. I'm really glad to hear about all these great and beautiful things going on in your life, hun. I am thrilled and all praise and glory goes to Him indeed! <3

    Excited to hear more of your covers, mi amore.

  2. haha close but not quite hun! It's rendering now so it should be up by tomorrow if not in a bit :D

    YES, UNTIL YOU RUIN IT. hahah :p I miss you oh so very much. We didn't get to have that planned skype date we were planning on our anniv. :| At least, I didn't. In case you and Bereks still went hahah! :p

    Praise Jesus <3

  3. Hey, Deb, Clara here. While we may not have had a sembreak as we were revising our thesis and trying to salvage it, I'm glad that opportunities are coming your way. I knew you danced, but I never knew you could sing. :P (surprise surprise, I guess we do learn something new everyday!) >.< What an insane adventure our thesis was, wasn't it? :P

  4. Hi Clara!

    Thanks for stopping by! Yes indeed, our thesis was quite an adventure. But i'm glad its somewhat (?) turning out okay. I'm thankful for you and Nige as thesis mates because although we ran into a few minor (and some major) humps and bumps on the road, I'm glad i've found new friends in you. :) So thanks for joining me in this journey :)

    and yes! Been singing more than I have been dancing all my life. HAHA. :)) TADAAH? :))


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