The Beginning

Hello friends! I would like to officially announce that is UP AND RUNNING! HURRAY!

I know I asked a few months ago on my facebook as to whether or not I should get a blog; and based on the results I got, the pros and cons were pretty even- so it was really hard for me to decide if I should put this up or not.

But after months of praying about it and thinking it over- here it is! Finally- Deb Victa's personal blog. To be quite honest, this is my second attempt to launch one, since I've thought about it -- but that site pretty much crashed and burned in my face. HAHA. I'm not that much of a blogger *anymore* all my other blogs have long died ever since I graduated high school-- I mostly just journal my thoughts when I want to express myself. However, seeing that i'm leaving the country soon and I won't be able to bring all my stuff with me, I figured it's about time Deb's journal went online.

Now, you'd have to understand that I like keeping my private life PRIVATE, so this is mostly an outlet of sorts. When I'm feeling creative, emotional or when I wanna rant or rave about something, or even when I feel that Daddy wants me to share an important message to you guys, I write HERE. So don't expect me to reveal my darkest secrets or my deepest emotions haha!

Anyway. There's beauty in brevity, so I end my little introduction here. :) hope you guys enjoy! Lemme know what you think-- browse around and tell me how I can improve this site, or what else you might want to see and whatnot.

