A Prayer For Consistency

In the spirit of trying to have a more prayerful 2019, I'm sharing one of my prayers below:

O Lord Of All-Grace,

How I love Your law!
How I long to swim its depths!
How I long to uncover its riches!

My heart delights in the wisdom hidden deep within its pages. My soul is full of joy in knowing the One whom I serve.

For there was a time when I thought I knew, but I knew not.
When I spoke confidently, even when I had no credentials.
When I thought I had all understanding, but it was all just hot air.

May I never take the truths that the gospel teaches for granted, but may they bear much fruit as I learn what it means to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions. To live righteously as I await for the Object of my Hope, and the reason for my salvation. Father of mercy, teach me to wait expectantly and prayerfully.

For my walk is far from perfect, being that I am a sinner. All my longings are stained by my sin. Even on my best days, when I am convinced I desire none but You - there is a corruption that lurks beneath. A corruption that is ready to pounce on my helpless heart, at any given moment.

I am so easily distracted by the cares of this world.
So easily angered when I am wronged by others.
So easily afflicted by painful circumstances.
And so easily amused by things that are not of You.

My heart is deceitful; for I claim to love all that You are, but functionally live nothing like it. I am quick to reprimand those who do not live according to my understanding of the Law, when I myself take no measures in deepening my knowledge of what You truly require. May this not be so.

Teach me to desire faithfulness over fame
integrity over influence
sober-mindedness over success.

"May I never rely on my own convictions or resolutions. but be strong in Thee and Thy might." May Christ never become dull to me, but through all these things may He become more beautiful to and through me.


Happy New Year, one and all! Let me know how I can pray for you.


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