Change is Nature


I know, I know. I'm sorry for being such a lazy bum who never updates her blog anymore. :|

So to make it up to you, I made a new cover with my cousin, Miko! :D (YAY!) 

My apologies for the poor sound/video quality. :| I seriously need to get better equipment.

Anyway, if any of you actually care, you're probably wondering what's been going on in my life. Things have been pretty crazy around here these days, so I actually don't know where to begin. Excuse me for the randomness of this update. Ever since I stepped down from Outbreak, God has been very faithful with presenting me opportunities. He closes a door here, and then He opens another window for me there. :) It's been quite a roller coaster, if I must say. But I'm learning so much and am constantly being brought to my knees.

For one thing, my [mis]adventures with the Networks have really been interesting.  It's never been a clear yes or no, but they continue to show interest in me. I'm so thankful for my manager, Tito Ronnie for always pushing me to become better. I mean, I may not have a job yet, but strangely enough, I don't feel alarmed about that at all. I guess this year, it's more about sitting at the feet of Jesus while getting to know myself better. I realize that this time, my goal are more clear-cut, and the direction I want to take is more precise. Now, it's all just a matter of finding resources to chase after my dreams. :))

My brother, Jared, is leaving for Australia in 5 days! :O Jared and I haven't been the best of friends these past few days, but I'd have to admit, I'm going to miss the kiddo. He'll be back in 3 months (I hope). :)

Been going through so many changes with this Funemployed lifestyle, but by the grace of God, i'm pulling through. He always comes through for me just in the nick of time. :) There are days when I feel like i'm not going to make it, when the change is just too painful. But He reminds me that He is always more than enough. :) I'm learning that there will be days when God takes me to places outside of my comfort zone, but He will be there waiting. I've taken too much time trying to grab the wheel from His hands, but this isn't MY story. It's actually His - His love, His faithfulness, His grace - all playing out in my life. <3

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps."- Proverbs 16:9

Don't be afraid of change. The seed must first die and fall to the ground before it becomes a tree and bear much fruit. (John 12:24) You want to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans. Nothing could be less than greater than His plans for you. :)


  1. And what great plan He has in store for you, love >:D< I'm excited for you! :D



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